List of 20 investigatory project ideas for Class XI based on the NCERT syllabus:
1. Study of the Effect of Different Fertilizers on Plant Growth
2. Analysis of the Water Quality from Local Water Bodies
3. Study of the Antimicrobial Properties of Various Plant Extracts
4. Impact of pH on the Germination of Seeds
5. Role of Yeast in Fermentation and its Commercial Applications
6. Study of Pollution Levels in Air Using Bioindicators like Lichens
7. Comparative Study of Different Types of Soils and Their Water Retention Capacities
8. Investigating the Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity
9. Study of Biodegradation of Domestic Waste Using Earthworms (Vermicomposting)
10. Analysis of the Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis
11. Testing the Presence of in Food Items
12. Comparative Study of Various Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Plastics
13. Effect of Music or Sound Vibrations on Plant Growth
14. Study of the Blood Groups and Their Distribution in a Population Sample
15. Investigating the Effect of Sugar Substitutes on Yeast Respiration
16. Study of Microorganisms in Curd and Their Role in Curd Formation
17. Analysis of the Vitamin C Content in Different Fruits and Vegetables
18. Impact of Mobile Phone Radiation on Seed Germination
19. Extraction and Study of Natural Dyes from Plant Sources
20. Survey and Study of Medicinal Plants in a Local Area